You can find our current timetable below - all activities are free for everyone in the community.
What does Oxford Hub do?
Community Organising
Support people to turn their ideas into action to tackle inequalities in their communities, such as Participatory Grant Making.
Community Opportunities
Involve more people in neighbourhoods facing greatest inequalities with opportunities to improve health and education, such as Social Prescribing and after-school tutoring.
Community Volunteering
Promote ways for everyone in Oxford to tackle inequalities through taking part in volunteering projects, such as spending an hour a week as an English language tutor, after-school tutor or volunteering at our community hub.
Community Advocacy
Empower residents to influence decision makers in Oxford with their ideas to make our city better.
“We don’t need to be tackling a crisis to make a difference. I’ve learned not to underestimate how people’s participation in their community can create sustainable change” — social work placement student